The primary objective of financial accounting is to provide general-purpose financial statements to help external users analyze and interpret an organization's activities. a. True b. False | (2024)


Business Management accounting


The primary objective of financial accounting is to provide general-purpose financial statements to help external users analyze and interpret an organization's activities.

a. True

b. False

Managerial Accounting:

The process of managerial accounting involves looking at a company's figures and costs and organizing them. Managerial accountants create things like budgets, sales forecasts, and projected financial statements.

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It is true that the primary objective of financial accounting is to provide general-purpose financial statements to help external users analyze and...

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The primary objective of financial accounting is to provide general-purpose financial statements to help external users analyze and interpret an organization's activities. a. True b. False | (1)

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Financial & Managerial Accounting | Overview & Differences


Chapter 33/ Lesson 1


Learn about the differences and similarities between financial accounting and managerial accounting. Learn the different uses of financial and managerial accounting.

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  • True or false? Managerial accounting is concerned with external reporting, that is, reporting the results of economic activities to parties outside the firm.
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  • The discounted cash flow approach can be used to determine an objective measurement for most assets and liabilities a. True b. False
  • Users of financial reports for a company use the information provided by these reports to make their capital allocation decisions. True False
  • For management accounting, internal measurement and reporting are based on cost-benefit analysis. True False
  • True or false? Government-wide financial statements include three basic financial statements: a statement of net assets, a statement of activities, and an income statement.
  • (True or False) _____ 1. Government-wide financials are divided into Governmental and Business Type activities. (True or False) _____ 2. Internal Service Funds are reported under business-type activities in the Government-wide Financials.
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  • State whether the following statements are true or false: 1) Reports prepared in financial accounting are general purpose reports, whereas reports prepared in managerial accounting are usually specia
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  • True or false? The ultimate responsibility for the financial statements lies with the auditors.
  • Answer true or false: Financial statements provide the form and structure for the conveyance of financial information that will create a likeness of the reporting organization.
  • Answer true or false: Employees of a company would not have a reason to use the information provided by financial accounting.
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  • Capital budgeting is a major responsibility for financial management. a. True b. False
  • True or False: For external-reporting purposes, generally accepted accounting principles require that net income be based on variable costing.
  • The work sheet is a tool used to assist in the preparation of financial statements. a. True b. False
  • Cost accounting has as a primary responsibility for the filing of financial reports to the SEC. True or False.
  • An accounting Principle is a general law or rule followed in the preparation of financial statements. a. True b. False
  • Answer true or false: Ratio analysis is a preferred method of analyzing a firm's financial position because a firm cannot manipulate financial information that would impact the value of the ratios.
  • Managers' activities and responsibilities can be classified into three broad functions: cost accounting, budgeting, and internal control. True False
  • True or false? For internal management purposes, net income is the most important number on the income statement; if the company is making a profit, it is doing fine.
  • Analysis of financial statements is enhanced with the use of comparative data. a. True. b. False.

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The primary objective of financial accounting is to provide general-purpose financial statements to help external users analyze and interpret an organization's activities.  a. True  b. False | (2024)


What is the primary objective of a financial accounting? ›

The main purpose of financial accounting is to allow third parties to assess the value of a company.

What is the main objective of financial accounting? ›

Financial accounting helps record, classify, and summarise financial data concerning a business. The main objective of financial accounting is to accurately prepare and record financial data to determine an organisation's actual performance.

What is the primary objective of general purpose financial statements? ›

The objective of general purpose financial reporting is to provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors in making decisions about providing resources to the entity.

Is the main objective of financial accounting to provide financial statements to help external users analyze and interpret the activities of a business? ›

The correct answer is True.

What is primary financial objective? ›

The primary financial objective of a company is stated by corporate finance theory to be the maximisation of the wealth of its shareholders, but this objective is usually replaced by the surrogate objective of maximisation of the company's share price.

What is the primary purpose of accounting? ›

Accounting is a term that describes the process of consolidating financial information to make it clear and understandable for all stakeholders and shareholders. The main goal of accounting is to record and report a company's financial transactions, financial performance, and cash flows.

What are the three primary objectives of accounting? ›

The Objectives of Accounting
  • Maintaining systematic financial records. ...
  • To estimate and ascertain profits or losses. ...
  • Preparing financial reports to assess the financial position. ...
  • Auditing of financial reports. ...
  • To forecast future payments, expenditures and budgets. ...
  • Preparation of budget and cash control.

What is the main objective of the financial statements? ›

"The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions." Financial statements should be understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable.

What is the main function of financial accounting? ›

The primary functions of an accounting system are to track, report, execute, and predict financial transactions. The basic function of financial accounting is to also prepare financial statements that help company leaders and investors to make informed business decisions.

What is the general purpose financial purpose? ›

General purpose financial statements (GPFS) are a set of financial reports that are intended to be used by a wide range of users, including investors, creditors, regulators, and management. The most common general purpose financial statements are: the balance sheet. income statement.

What is the purpose of the primary financial statements? ›

The Primary Financial Statements project is intended to help users to better understand and compare information published in companies' general-purpose financial statements.

What is the general purpose of accounting? ›

The purpose of accounting is to accumulate and report on financial information about the performance, financial position, and cash flows of a business. This information is then used to reach decisions about how to manage the business, or invest in it, or lend money to it.

What is the primary objective of financial accounting information? ›

Financial accounting focuses on preparing financial statements to provide financial information to its external users. The financial information servers the external users to understand the financial position and the financial performance of the company.

What is the primary purpose of financial statements? ›

The general purpose of the financial statements is to provide information about the results of operations, financial position, and cash flows of an organization. This information is used by the readers of financial statements to make decisions regarding the allocation of resources.

What is the primary purpose of financial accounting Quizlet? ›

What is the primary purpose of financial accounting? Measure business activities and communicate those measures to external users to make decisions.

What is the primary objective of financial accounting quizlet? ›

To provide information on both the costs and benefits of managing products and on the balance sheet.

What is the primary focus of financial accounting? ›

The focus of financial accounting is on summarizing and reporting a business's financial position to entities outside the business with a vested interest, such as stockholders, creditors, government agencies and suppliers.

What are the primary objectives of the financial system? ›

The financial system refers to the network of institutions, such as banks, insurance companies, markets, and stock exchanges. The primary function of the financial system is to distribute savings from individuals and businesses to productive investments, allocate capital efficiently, and manage risks.

What is the primary objective of financial accounting Mcq? ›

The primary objective of accounting is to record and report an organisation's monetary exchanges, monetary execution, and incomes.

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