Total Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio: Meaning, Formula, and What's Good (2024)

What Is the Total Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio?

The debt ratio, or total debt-to-total assets, is calculated by dividing a company's total debt by its total assets. It is also called the debt-to-assets ratio. It is a leverage ratio that defines how much debt a company carries compared to the value of the assets it owns.

Using this metric, analysts can compare one company's leverage with that of other companies in the same industry. This information can reflect how financially stable a company is. The higher the ratio, the higher the degree of leverage (DoL). Depending on averages for the industry, there could be a higher risk of investing in that company compared to another.

Key Takeaways

  • The total debt-to-total assets ratio is calculated by dividing a company's total debt by its total assets.
  • This ratio shows the degree to which a company has used debt to finance its assets.
  • The calculation considers all of the company's debt, not just loans and bonds payable, and all assets, including intangibles.
  • If a company has a total debt-to-total assets ratio of 0.4, 40% of its assets are financed by creditors, and 60% are financed by owners' (shareholders') equity.
  • The ratio does not inform users of the composition of assets nor how a single company's ratio may compare to others in the same industry.

Total Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio: Meaning, Formula, and What's Good (1)

Understanding the Total Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio

The total debt-to-total assets ratio analyzes a company's balance sheet. The calculation includes long-term and short-term debt (borrowings maturing within one year) of the company. It also encompasses all assets—both tangible and intangible.

It indicates how much debt is used to carry a firm's assets, and how those assets might be used to service that debt. Therefore, it measures a firm's degree of leverage.

Debt servicing payments must be made under all circ*mstances, otherwise, the company would breach its debt covenants and run the risk of being forced into bankruptcy by creditors. While other liabilities, such as accounts payable and long-term leases, can be negotiated to some extent, there is very little “wiggle room” with debt covenants.

A company with a high degree of leverage may thus find it more difficult to stay afloat during a recession than one with low leverage.

Total Debt-to-Total Assets Formula

The total debt-to-total assets formula is the quotient of total debt divided by total assets. As shown below, total debt includes both short-term and long-term liabilities.

TD/TA=Short-TermDebt+Long-TermDebtTotalAssets\begin{aligned} &\text{TD/TA} = \frac{ \text{Short-Term Debt} + \text{Long-Term Debt} }{ \text{Total Assets} } \\ \end{aligned}TD/TA=TotalAssetsShort-TermDebt+Long-TermDebt

This calculation generally results in ratios of less than 1.0 (100%).

What Does the Total Debt-to-Total AssetsRatio Tell You?

Total debt-to-total assets is a measure of the company's assets that are financed by debt rather than equity. If the calculation yields a result greater than 1, this means the company is technically insolvent as it has more liabilities than all of its assets combined. A result of 0.5 (or 50%) means that 50% of the company's assets are financed using debt (with the other half being financed through equity).

Leverage Trends

When calculated over several years, this leverage ratio can show a company's use of leverage as a function of time. For example, a ratio that drops 0.1% every year for ten years would show that as a company ages, it reduces its use of leverage.

Ability to Meet Debts

Investors use the ratio to evaluate whether the company has enough funds to meet its current debt obligations and to assess whether it can pay a return on its investment. Creditors use the ratio to see how much debt the company already has and whether the company can repay its existing debts. This will determine whether additional loans will be extended to the firm.

A total debt-to-total asset ratio greater than one means that if the company were to cease operating, not all debtors would receive payment on their holdings.

Real-World Example of the Total Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio

Let's examine the total debt-to-total assets ratio for three companies:

  • Alphabet, Inc. (Google), as of its fiscal quarter ending March 31, 2022.
  • Costco Wholesale, as of its fiscal quarter ending May 8, 2022.
  • Hertz Global Holdings, as of its fiscal quarter ending March 31, 2022.
Debt to Assets Comparison
(Data in millions)GoogleCostcoHertz
Total Debt$107,633$31,845$18,239
Total Assets$359,268$63,852$20,941
Total Debt to Assets0.300.500.87

Here's what each company's ratio can tell you about it:

  • Google is not weighed down by debt obligations and will likely be able to secure additional capital at potentially lower rates compared to the other two companies. Although its debt balance is more than three times higher than Costco, it carries proportionally less debt to total assets compared to the other two companies.
  • Costco has been financed nearly evenly split between debt and equity. This means the company carries roughly the same amount of debt as it does in retained earnings, common stock, and net income.
  • Hertz is known for carrying a high degree of debt on its balance sheet. Although its debt balance is smaller than the other two companies, almost 90% of all the assets it owns are financed. Hertz has the lowest degree of flexibility of these three companies as it has legal obligations to fulfill (whereas Google has flexibility regarding dividend distributions to shareholders).

It's also important to understand the size, industry, and goals of each company to interpret their total debt-to-total assets. Google is no longer a technology start-up; it is an established company with proven revenue models that make it easier to attract investors. Meanwhile, Hertz is a much smaller company that may not be as enticing to shareholders. Hertz may find investor demands are too great to secure financing, turning to financial institutions for capital instead.

Total debt-to-total assets may be reported as a decimal or a percentage. For example, Google's .30 total debt-to-total assets may also be communicated as 30%. This means that 30% of Google's assets are financed through debt.

Limitations of the Total Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio

One shortcoming of the total debt-to-total assets ratio is that it does not provide any indication of asset quality since it lumps all tangible and intangible assets together.

For example, in the example above, Hertz reported $2.9 billion in intangible assets, $1.3 billion in PPE, and $1.04 billion in goodwill as part of its total $20.9 billion of assets. Therefore, the company had more debt ($18.2 billion) on its books than all of its $15.7 billion current assets (assets that can be quickly converted to cash).

Should all of its debts be called immediately by lenders, the company would be unable to pay all its debt, even if the total debt-to-total assets ratio indicates it might be able to.

As with all other ratios, the trend of the total debt-to-total assets ratio should be evaluated over time. This will help assess whether the company’s financial risk profile is improving or deteriorating. For example, a trend of increasing leverage use might indicate that a business is unwilling or unable to pay down its debt, which could signify issues in the future.

What Is a Good Total Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio?

A company's total debt-to-total assets ratio is specific to that company's size, industry, sector, and capitalization strategy. For example, start-up tech companies are often more reliant on private investors and will have lower total debt-to-total-asset calculations. However, more secure, stable companies may find it easier to secure loans from banks and have higher ratios. In general, a ratio around 0.3 to 0.6 is where many investors will feel comfortable, though a company's specific situation may yield different results.

Is a Low Total Debt-to-Total Asset Ratio Good?

A low total debt-to-total-asset ratio isn't necessarily good or bad. It simply means that the company has decided to prioritize raising money by issuing stock to investors instead of taking out loans at a bank. While a lower calculation means a company avoids paying as much interest, it also means owners retain less residual profits because shareholders may be entitled to a portion of the company's earnings.

How Do I Calculate Total Debt-to-Total Assets?

The total debt-to-total-asset ratio is calculated by dividing a company's total debts by its total assets. All debts and assets are considered.

Can A Company's Total Debt-to-Total Asset Ratio Be Too High?

Yes, a company's total debt-to-total-asset ratio can be too high. For example, imagine an industry where the debt ratio average is 25%—if a business in that industry carries 50%, it might be too high, but it depends on many factors that must be considered.

The Bottom Line

The total debt-to-total assets ratio compares the total amount of liabilities of a company to all of its assets. The ratio is used to measure how leveraged the company is, as higher ratios indicate more debt is used as opposed to equity capital. To gain the best insight into the total debt-to-total assets ratio, it's often best to compare the findings of a single company over time or the ratios of similar companies in the same industry.

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Total Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio: Meaning, Formula, and What's Good (2024)


Total Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio: Meaning, Formula, and What's Good? ›

The total debt-to-total assets ratio is calculated by dividing a company's total debt by its total assets. This ratio shows the degree to which a company has used debt to finance its assets. The calculation considers all of the company's debt, not just loans and bonds payable, and all assets, including intangibles.

What is a good total debt to total assets ratio? ›

Generally speaking, a debt-to-equity or debt-to-assets ratio below 1.0 would be seen as relatively safe, whereas ratios of 2.0 or higher would be considered risky. Some industries, such as banking, are known for having much higher debt-to-equity ratios than others.

What is the formula of total assets to debt ratio? ›

Total Assets to Debt Ratio = Total Assets/Long-term Debts.

What does a debt to total assets ratio of 80% mean? ›

Debt-to-total-assets ratio = 0.8 or 80% This means that 80% of Company B's assets are financed by debt, which indicates that the company has a higher risk of defaulting on its loans.

What is a good debt ratio for a company? ›

Generally, a good debt ratio is around 1 to 1.5. However, the ideal debt ratio will vary depending on the industry, as some industries use more debt financing than others. Capital-intensive industries like the financial and manufacturing industries often have higher ratios that can be greater than 2.

What is a healthy asset ratio? ›

If the current assets of a household are more than twice the current liabilities, then that household is generally considered to have good short‐term financial strength. If current liabilities exceed current assets, then the household may have problems meeting its short‐term obligations.

What is a good total asset ratio? ›

An asset turnover ratio of over 1 is always considered good. A high ratio means the company is earning more revenue by fully utilising its assets. This implies that the company is generating enough net sales revenue by employing its own resources.

What is a bad debt to asset ratio? ›

In general, many investors look for a company to have a debt ratio between 0.3 and 0.6. From a pure risk perspective, debt ratios of 0.4 or lower are considered better, while a debt ratio of 0.6 or higher makes it more difficult to borrow money.

What is a good debt to asset ratio for a family? ›

If your debt ratio does not exceed 30%, the banks will find it excellent. Your ratio shows that if you manage your daily expenses well, you should be able to pay off your debts without worry or penalty. A debt ratio between 30% and 36% is also considered good.

What is a good current ratio? ›

A good current ratio is between 1.2 to 2, which means that the business has 2 times more current assets than liabilities to covers its debts. A current ratio below 1 means that the company doesn't have enough liquid assets to cover its short-term liabilities.

Is a debt ratio of 80% good? ›

If the ratio is below 1, the company has more assets than debt. Broadly speaking, ratios of 60% (0.6) or more are considered high, while ratios of 40% (0.4) or less are considered low. However, what constitutes a “good debt ratio” can vary depending on industry norms, business objectives, and economic conditions.

What's a good quick ratio? ›

Generally speaking, a good quick ratio is anything above 1 or 1:1. A ratio of 1:1 would mean the company has the same amount of liquid assets as current liabilities. A higher ratio indicates the company could pay off current liabilities several times over.

What is the ideal loan to asset ratio? ›

Although a ratio result that is considered indicative of a "healthy" company varies by industry, generally speaking, a ratio result of less than 0.5 is considered good.

What is too high for debt ratio? ›

Key takeaways

Debt-to-income ratio is your monthly debt obligations compared to your gross monthly income (before taxes), expressed as a percentage. A good debt-to-income ratio is less than or equal to 36%. Any debt-to-income ratio above 43% is considered to be too much debt.

What is a good total assets to debt ratio? ›

In general, a ratio around 0.3 to 0.6 is where many investors will feel comfortable, though a company's specific situation may yield different results.

Is a debt ratio of 75% good? ›

Each lender has different DTI standards you must meet to qualify for a loan, but according to most lenders see a DTI under 36 percent or less as “ideal” while 37 percent to 42 percent is seen as “acceptable.” Typically, a DTI of 50 percent or more will make it difficult to get approved with most lenders.

What is a bad debt to total assets ratio? ›

In general, many investors look for a company to have a debt ratio between 0.3 and 0.6. From a pure risk perspective, debt ratios of 0.4 or lower are considered better, while a debt ratio of 0.6 or higher makes it more difficult to borrow money.

How is a debt ratio of 0.45 interpreted? ›

A debt ratio of 0.45 means that a firm has $0.45 of equity for every dollar of debt. A debt ratio of 0.45 means a firm has $0.45 of current liabilities for every dollar of current assets.

What is the ideal total debt-to-equity ratio? ›

The ideal debt to equity ratio is 2:1. This means that at no given point of time should the debt be more than twice the equity because it becomes riskier to pay back and hence there is a fear of bankruptcy.

What is a lower debt to total assets viewed as? ›

The lower the debt-to-asset ratio, the better it is for the company. A ratio greater than 1 also implies that a company is putting itself at risk of not being able to repay its obligations.

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