The Tyler Courier-Times from Tyler, Texas (2024)

TYLER C0URIER-TIME3-TEXEGRAPH PAC2 OX Comings, Goings and Doings Date Is Set For Referendum On Bankhead Act Bring the kiddies in to see the novel mechanical displays on our main floor. They will enjoy it Bet Friday, December 14, City Court': Two pleas of guilty entered to drunkenness complaints. Fines of $10 assessed in each case. Justice of the Peace Courts: One charge of possessing liquor filed with Justice D. Y.

Gaines. One search warrant Issued. Two gaming complaints filed with Justice G. G. McDonald.

County Court: Several civil matters heard by Judge Brady P. Gentry. tance were answered by the Central station, one Friday afternoon to the Redwine house on West Oak wood and another Saturday morning to the home of T. Davis, E. Locust.

At the Utter place, a flue burned out. Damage at both places was slight Mrs. W. E. Appling of Arp, recently operated on at a local hospital, has been moved to the home of a friend here, Mrs.

B. V. Robertson, who lives at' 1411 East Line, 8. L. Sharp, who received a head' Injury recently, is improving.

C. T. Orr underwent an operation at a local hospitsJ Friday and yesterday was reported improving. i cftww 'jr sv If WARM AND PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR District Court: Judge Walter G. Russell to convene final week of the fall term 6f District court Monday at 9 a.

m. A number of ordinary criminal cases have been set down for trial. As Day Farmers to Question The cotton farmer of the South will vote December 14th from a. m. to 5 p.

m. rs to whether or not they wish the Bankhead bill, either In lt4 present form or In modified form to be continued for another year, County Agent Gentry said Saturday. AJ1 cotton farmers are eligible to vote, that is, those who are producers Of cotton. The voter will give his namepost office fcddrett and his community, which will be written on the register of ballots. This referendum Is a part of the agricultural adjustment program.

The President announced pbout December 6th, "That production control as a whole would be continued as a definite government jMjllcy, in the hope that after three crops or so the cotton surplus will be reduced to pre-war level;" This statement was made by the President because there Is now on hand something like ten million BOYS Haw 4a '1 Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hoffmeyer are parents of a 10-pound girl bom Cases Filed, District Court: A.

A. Brashear versus Humble Oil at 2:45 a. m. Friday in a local hos pitaL Refining damages and conw pensatlon. J.

P. Ward versus Barney Coc burn et al, dagames. The nfant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Holsapple, 138 Chilton, born In a local hospital Thursday Lula Allen versus A.

J. Pinkston et al, damages. evening, died early Friday. Mrs. Louise Whittlesey under.

went an operation at Tyler, hospi tal Friday. STATISTICS FOR WEEK: Marriage licenses Issued 16 Divorce suits filed ...7.. 1 This Christmas give the Boy something to wear and to keep him warm these cold winter days and you will give him something he will appreciate. Visit our well-stocked Boy' Department and see our many, many quality items that will make your boy a fine, practical Gift. J.

C. Clayton of the chamber of commerce special events committee 16 New Cars registered was arranging more Christmas trees for decoration of Tyler's streets ye terday. Marriage Licenses Issued: Rapnela Taylor and Pearline fid- Miss Helen Edvatds is visiting In San Antonio. wards. D.

Hilbum and Miss Ruth Graham. Wylle Boyd and Miss Gloy Crow. Hyran G. Phelps and Miss Clem-mle Phelps. Otis McCauley and Zelma Mrs.

Minnie May Cooper of Quitman and baby are patients in a local hospital. Mr. end Mrs. V. M.

Roberts have returned from a several days visit 5 8 LENGTH SOX 35c to 65c wfp in McAllen. Mrs. A. J. Campbell who under' bale, which is the third lsrgest carry-over in history.

If to this carry-over, another large crop is added, cotton necessarily will be very cheap. The cotton commodity dollar is now below parity. There-Jore the agricultural adjustment act Was enscted for the sole purpose of bringing agriculture as an industry on the eoual basis with Other industries. Hence a large "Dumber of croos were made basic crom besides cotton. Below is a list of the voting placet and the names of committeemen, who will bfr In charge of the poles: Arp, J.

M. Musselwhlte, R'bbit, f. 8. Ravford. Baecctn, W.

P. Hill, Wberty Hill. T. a. Barton.

Hebron, S. Gwln, Muroh, J. 0. Jones, Jackson, G. M.

Ward, rriendshin, C. Gatlln, Browning, Scott Holt, Hamo Florence, Sand Flit, Frank Christian, Swan, M. Shank, Pine Snrings, Fred Taylor, Saline, Pat Johnson, Sabine, Joe Christian, Llndale. Park York, Harris Chaopel, I. D.

Ham, 8ewart, Virgil Stone, Providence, Clarence Petrea, Noonday, W. T. Cone, Cross Roads, V. H. Chambers, Jov, J.

B. Gary, Winona, E. C. Dale. Bed New Cure Registered: T.

L. Landers, Chevrolet sedan. J. E. Bundy, Chevrolet sedan.

Dr. Christmas, Chevrolet coach J. K. Robertson, Pontlac coach. went a minor operation at a local hospital was able to be moved to Dr.

John H. Mitchell, Graham her home yesterday. Colorful sox in plaids, checks or solid colors make excellent Gifts. The 5-8 length is what he will want to wear through the winter months. Miss Florence Plrdwell left last night for Texafkana to accept a Fires.

Two fire alarms of small impor position. Farm Mortgage Is LEATHER Vocational Group Form New Organiz'n Constitutional Pittsburgh, Dec. 8. (U.R The American Vocational Association, In the last day of its convention here, moved Saturday to form a new or Little Rock, Dee. 8.

Sitting en bane, Federal District Judges John Martiheau and Choose from either button or zipper styles in tan or brown suede or Pig-Tex leathers. Sizes from 8 to 20. A real Gift item that will give lots of wear and protection. OTHERS $4S to $950 BRADLEY SLEEVESS SWEATERS ganization for industrial students, named the "future craftsmen of America." A committee of 15 representing Springs, Jeff Coulter, Starvllle, C. V.

O'Neal, Carrol, B. A. Lukenbill, Union Point, Nt Shaman, Garden Valley, Zeb Rhlnehardt, Village Creek, John Ellis, New Harmony, j. B. Barren, Mount Sylvan, E.

A. tyons, tod'an Creek, J. W. Loyd, IDUde, 3. ML Adams, Rice, A.

O. Williams, Graham, Gary Smith, Ifltfwey. 8. R. Dingier, Bulltrd.

J. SB. DSVH, Eureka, C. W. Moody, Flint, R.

William, Oak Grov. J. I Key, Walnut Grove. Will (Brown, Whitehouse. A.

D. Winston, 12 States was appointed to draw plans for organization, financing and location of national headquarters. The move came after an address by Dr. Paul L. crewman, assistant state commissioner of education, Lansing, who urged the ad6p- Just the thing to wear under his regular coat for school or play.

They give plenty of warmth (being all wool) yet allow plenty of freedom for the most active boy. SL95 Burns, 3. I. Stanley, Stone Fort, MoGill, Smyre, H. H.

Cross- tlon of a national craftsmanship id, Trtuf, John Coll'er, Omen, program, wi ALl i DRESSE5 T. Andrews, Prairie Lea, T. J. "Webave felt a distinct need for Salem, E. Seales.

"BUCKAR00" COWBOY OUTFITS Just the present for the boy from 4 to 14. Real Cowboy outfits made of' genuine leather in the true Western style. Choose from a variety of styles and prices. Heartslll Ragon Saturday upheld the constitutionality of the federal Frazier-Lemke farm mortgage act. Their ruling was handed down In a test case In which Interested attorneys from over a wide area offered arguments.

Judge Martineau, writing the Opinion, ordered a dcoree recorded in the case of D. F. S. Galloway in bankruptcy to prevent the sale Of his property in a foreclosure proceeding. The two Arkansas federal Judges said they adopted the opinion previously rendered by Federal Judge Charles I.

Dawson of Louisville, in a test case in that state. The act permits farmers to take advantage of a previous act of congress by declaring bankruptcy and effecting a composition or extension of time to pay off debts. The Galloway suit here Was filed against the Union Trust Company, which had sought to sell 700 acres of land under a foreclosure decree. -o DAUGHTER OF TYLERITE IS IN NEW YORK 'HIT' ft club organisation that would fit particularly well Into our industrial education set-up," Cressman said. "We have been prodded along by the remarkable success of the 'Future Farmers of America I propose a similar ortanizatlon for in Cathryn Bailey Most Popular dustrial students the Future Crafts Chaps Shirts Cuffs $1.95 to $9.25 $1.00 to $1.75 75c to $1.00 Vests $1.00 to $4.95 Hats $1.75 to $1.95 Gun Sets 35c to $1.75 men of America." Dr.

Ry Fife, president of the association, appointed a national committee to supervise organization Jeweled Handle Daggers 50c and 75c Lariats 39c including: Dr. Cressman, chairman; Fred Heteler, Stillwater, George H. Fern, Austin, Texas; C. M. Miller, Topeka, Kan.

Final choice of the 1935 convention site rested between Chicago and Cincinnati. Decision will be made within the next few weeks MEN'S INTERWOVEN SOX In Christmas Box 50c 75c $1.00 The daughter of a Tyler citizen is appearing on the stage in New York in a new play that Is attracting large crowds. She Is Marie Cyrilla, daughter of Cyril D. Nelson, 118 Rowland drive, and has an important role as well as being Cathryn Bailey has been selected Jthe most popular girl In the sophom*ore class at the Tyler Junior College it was announced Saturday from the school. J.

O. Toler has been chosen the most popular boy among the sophom*ore class. Edwin Rosco was named the most popular freshman boy and Brooksle Carr was elected the most popular freshman girl. Election was held during the past week. Pictures of the favorites will appear In the school's yearbook.

Dr. John G. Hart Named Physician At S. C. Hospital Dr.

John Garrett Hart has recently been appointed resident physician of tn Greenville hospital of Oreenville, South Carolina. The Greenville General Hospital has 200 feeds and serves a city and county population of 150,000. Dr. Hart is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel M. Hart, of this city. "Bt and Mrs. Hart, who was formerly Miss Wydette Garrard, have lived in Greenville since last June. TEXAS YOUTHS ELECT OFFICERS by a committee.

Dr. George p. Hambrecht, Madison, was named president. Other officers elected included: vice presidents R. W.

Selvidge, Columbia, Mo. GOVERNMENT MAY PROTECT NIAGARA WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 Of). The government may act to protect the scenic grandeur of Niagara Falls, which have suffered three serious rock slides in three years. President Roosevelt has disclosed understudy to the star in Lillian Heliman's play "The Children's GIVE HERA FUR COAT FOE that he would Inquire Into the possibilities.

Although he believes Make her Christmas last for several years by giving her a luxurious stock of quality furs including Lapin, Seal, Kid Skin, Russian Lamb Pony and Jap Mink in jacket trotteur, swagger and full length stylet MEN'S SILK ROBES $1250 Made of fine quality brocaded silk with harmonizing satin trim, these robes will delight the heart of any comfort-loving man. Choose from black, brown, blue and Other qualities from $5.95 up. Hour," being produced at the Marine Elliott theatre and playing to capacity audiences. Miss Nelson returned last summer from Vienna where she had been studying for three years In the Max Rhelnhardt School of the Drama and elsewhere on the continent. MORE BIDS UP FOR HIGHWAY PROJECTS Austin, Dec.

8 (UP). Two' additional projects were added Saturday to those that will be bid upon before the state highway commission here en Dec. 19. They radis the total estimated cost of projects to be let then to $1,540,000. The added projects are grading and drainage structures on 12 miles of Highway 86 In Burnet county and on 10 miles of Highway 203 In Bee county.

0 SEIZE HUGE STILL Fort Worth, Dec. 8 VP). Ralph Rasb of Dallas was elected presl dent of the Texas allied youth, fli The Most Popular Coat of the Season, A coat that has met with instant acceptance the country over fa lent swagger model in either Black, Kaffat Brown or Blue Fox meeting Saturday at the V. M. C.

A. Other officers named were: Don A. Cowan, Jr, Fort Worth; Miss Naomi Klmbrough, Henrietta, sec- something should be done, he desires to get full advice from experts first SPEEDING STREET CARS ARE PROBLEM Washington, Dec. 8 Speeding street ears have Washington traffic cops in a bother. It seems complaints have been rolling in that motormen rush the lights at intersections and so forth.

But the police have no authority to hand them a ticket. Now the matter Is being taken up with the public utilities mission and something may be done about It. O- Poison Finally Killed Baby MOUNTAIN HOME, Dec. 8 It took two years for home-rtade rat poison to prove fatal to four-year-old Frank Walker. The mixture of lye and molasses burned through the child's throat, starving Ua to death.

retary; Elmer W. StahL San An. tonio, treasurer; Mrs. L. M.

Hog' sett. Fort Worth; T. C. Gardner, Dallas, and Miss Margaret Craw mi ford, Denton, members of the exe cuthrs committee. Seven Select 'His' Gift from our large committeemen were to be selected Midland, Dec 8.

Q1JQ Seven fed MAYER i at tnt afternoon session. DISABLED VET MEET MEN'S SHOP eral agents from San Antonio seized a 100 gallon still, 5,000 gallons of mash and 100 gallons of whiskey in a raid near here late Friday. Five men arrested in the raid were taken to Pecos for arraign-meat. The Woodrow Wilson chapter of Disabled American teterans of the and be sure to please him THE CHRIST World War Ira meet Monday at p. m..

The Tyler Courier-Times from Tyler, Texas (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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