The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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I ABOUT THAT TAX ANOTHER THOSE PRICELESS LOADS HARDEST OK USED CABS Oakland MUCH LOUD' PROTEST RISES the Motor Cars HAVE YOU SEEK ZION CANYON Pierce Arrow 5 Ton Truck Hydraulic Hoist and Dump Body Recently Delivered to the Hannon Co by the Arrow Company Automobiles Smiratt 1 MOTOR TRUCKS ally known are: A I 4 1 V2 2 and 5 Ton Capacity Our Truck Man Will Tell You All About Them Cole Our experienci STUDEBAKER GETS PATENT dated July gBBKSi Automobiles 7 TAKE NOTICE THE UNIVERSAL CAR Trucks TOURING RANK GARINGER Manager 1 PMOWfi CENTRAL H2 $40000 I COUPELET 43500 TSEDAN: 45000 jvTON? TRUCK I 'V' $56000 69500 1 60000 CHASSIS RUNABOUT Have revolutionized business conditions In all branches of industry the truck is playing an impor tant part In the hurry and rush of present day business and the shortage of the truck is solving the labor problem One truck with a driver eliminates several 'teams 'This saving plus the saving that results from the greater efficiency is sufficient to wipe out the original cost in a few months Under all weather and road conditions the trucks maintain a high grade efficiency a service that is consistently reliable because this truck is built on honor Let us give you facts on the It may be the means of saving you money and valuable time mountains dees not mean mere dig ging gradirg and filling It first de mands hewing a broad pathway out of the solid rock where hardly a foot hold originally existed To do this dynamite and other blasting material must be constantly used and progress must be of the slowest nature It also means the necessity of constructing Universal Attachment for all other cars 1 Ton $450 2 Ton 550 Chicago and turns through the frequent tun nels sometimes of considerable extent one gets some faint idea of the sensa tions that will be enjoyed by the mo torists of peaceful to morrow travers ing what has always been practically virgin mountain ranges amid the most magnificent scenery on the Eu ropean continent retaining walls of concrete at the side of tho 'requent tunneling at turns ana grades is also required the wnole forming an irtg feat of the most oomplfcated nature presenting for solution at every turn problems of tremendous tnagnitule" ollowing one of these highways up the side of the cliffs where it twists Standard Attachment for ord cars 1 Ton $390 HILDRETH 48 WILLOW ST TEL 617 a real thoroughbred in every respect Come experience the sensations of a ride in an aeroplane from one 6f the comfortable scats in the Cole ull Recognition of Achievement In Creating Bevel rago Body Under patent no 5: 2 1918 patent rights covering the uce of a bevel edge around the top of an automobile body were granted to Joseph Bourgon body engineer of the Studebaker corporation by the United States patent office The bevel edge of the new series 19 of Stu debaker is' one of the most conspicuous of its many outstanding features This long stream line bevel accentu These are economical days and so the ord car becomes a more intense necessity to you every day because by reason of the universal service the ord supplies every day it has become a large part in the of It 7 is A' daily necessity be cause it proves a daily economy You have the choice 'of a variety of bodies from the snappy runabout to the de luxe Sedan SPRINGIELD BUICK CO 650 656 MAIN STREET Telephone River 7868 Auto Owners That tax bill now before Congress Isdecidedly uppermost In the minds of both car cwners and dealers these days Even the bugaboo about gov ernment shutoff of gasoline and oil for pleasure a fright which has passed now has been secondary to the tax question The Automobile le gal association has taken up the cud gels against the bill and in New Eng land is mailing letters to every con gressman and senator appealing for more justice The dealers through their representatives in Washington have been doing their level best against it It a tax to which the automobile people object so much as it is a prohibitive tax The dealers here have felt the effect of the tax talk on their already un steady sales but they are making the best of it hoping the pressure of the automobile men over the nation will reduce the rates which Congress Is now considering To a manthey say they hear an encouraging number of peo ple talk of buying this fall but the tax makes them wait until the thing is definitely settled "The present three per cent tax is high enough although I suppose we could stand a shade more" commented Clark of the Western Massachusetts Cadillac com pany here this 10 per cent rate is too high It fair to hit car owners quite that hard until other sources of tax revenue have been tapped too" Harry Dunn of the Stoddard mo tor car company said it already has had its effect on buying prospects They are holding to their money But he added this did not hit his company hard for buyers of high priced cars are going to buy anyway A few hun dred dollars one way or the other will not Influence them particularly It is the car they are after Used Cars Are Hit Hardest It is the used car over which the tax hangs most threateningly for appar ently it will soak the buyer on the original purchase price and not on tho Investment he has made in it Wheth er this has had any effect this early on the trade in used cars in this section is hardly established yetbut Mr Stew art of the Williams motor sales com pany observes that for some reason ther demand for used cars in Spring field and Western Massachusetts has not been keen In some of the Con nectieut cities such as Bridgeport and New Haven he says the opposite has been true Of course there are high salaried mechanics earning automobile money In the gun plants of Springfield as well as in Connecticut but Mr Stewart notices they are not buying many used cars rank Garinger of the Springfield Buick company also finds the tax cloud a considerable one on not only his own but every Other horizon but he is not worrying The production of Buicks during the coming year has been so reduced by war that only the most Insistent demand for that sturdy car can be met during the next 12 months Whereas the Springfield agency was allotted 244 cars last year and got 190 the allotment for the com ing season is 114 And the" price has gone up about $200 on most models too which is no more true of Buicks than other makes but it will also tend to put Buicks in the hands only of people who really need them and who have the money to buy A A Proposes a air Tax The letter of the automobile legal association to the New England sen i ators and representatives against the tax follows members of our association flow numbering about 20000 in New England are urging us to protest in every way we can against the pro posed tax on automobiles We do not gather from the correspondence we aro receiving that our members object so much to the tax as to the manner in Which it is to be levied illustrate if a person of very moderate means is the possessor of an old car which cost say $4000 but the present value of which is $500 we understand that he would be obliged to pay the same tax as the owner of a new car costing the same In the first instance the car is owned by a poor man who would find it burden some to pay the proposed tax and it seems to us that while there would be some difficulty in making an appraise ates the length of the car and gives it a low rakish appearance Trimmed in a contrasting color to that of the main part of the body it adds an out standing touch of color that is at onca a mark of distinction (Although the new Studebaker sev en passenger Big Six was the first stock car feature the bevel edge body it is interesting to note in con nection with the granting of the pat ent rignts to Studebaker that same ddea appeared on a Studebaker custom job over two years ago In the fall of 1915 Mr Bourgon brought out a special five passenger Stude baker car which made use of the stream line bevel identically as it ap pears on the new series 19 Big Six The bevel edge body of the Stude baker Big Six is but one of the many original features of automobile body construction that have found the source of tlieir creation in the body building department of the Stude baker corporation Mr Bourgon and his Staff of expert designers and body builders are continually striving for body improvements that will not only add to the appearance of Stude baker cars but will also give Stude baker owners the maximum in motor ing convenience and comfort Say Lots of Beople Are Waiting to Buy However No Government Ban on Gas Com ft Ing Other Auto Chat Standard Oil Company Indian Re fining Company Armour Com pany Swift Company Colgate Company els Naphtha Company iroucRie £ros snerwin williams Company THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN: AUGUST 117 1918 1 1 Over 35000 Smith orm a Trucks are in use in all lines of business Some prominent users all nation Sensible Six ment of all automobiles throughout the country that if instead of a re duction of 25 per cent of the value of the car were made from the list price for the first two years and 25 per cent more the next two years and a fur ther reduction of 25 per cent for all cars over five years of' age that it would be far more equitable than the proposed plan fcr the return of course would be made under oath and might be assumed to be truthful have no doubt this matter will receive your serious consideration Possibily the above suggestion may not meet with your approval but we believe that a far more equitable meth od of taxation can be found than that which has been proposed as reported in the daily papers" You Can Reach tho Capo All Right Charles A Wright of the Auto mobile club of Springfield reminds motorists around here that driving down on the cape has not been stopped by the wrecking of the bridge span ning the northern end of the Cape Cod canal There is another and equally good bridge at the southern end which will serve the purpose of folks from Western Massachusetts fully as well as the one which Is now slowly recov ering from an assault by a tug boat The route from here to Cape points would be down through all River but even if one were traveling from some where near Boston the inconvenience of crossing the canal at the lower end would not great for the trip down the west side and up the east con sumes only an hour or so Exploding That Oil Rumor Some of those gas and oil rumors Which have been going the rounds are denied in a recent issue of federal trade information service which con tains the following news item with reference to the sale of gasoline and oil: war industries boards au thorizes the following: "Toe attention of the war indus tries beard and the United States fuel administration has been called to the wide prevalence throughout the United States of a mistaken impres sion that some order or recommenda tion has been issued from Washing ton with respect to the sale of oil and gasoline in some places local au tomobile associations have even issued circulars laying down the rule that dealers in oil and gasoline must make no sale of these products on Sundays and holidays or after 6 on other days and stating is now an order from Such Ordej Has Been such order or recommendation has been issued by any government authority or with any governmental approval The fuel administration has urged that wasteful practices in the use of oil and gasoline be Stopped and that all reasonable and proper measures of conservation be observed No limitations however have been placed upon the sale of these products Is not intended to Interfere in any way with the activity of automo bile associations or others who after consideration of the local conditions may seek to bring about sqme limitation upon the hours dur ing which oil and gasoline shall be sold to the public: but it is desired that it be clearly understood that no orders or recommendations have been issued by any governmental authority upon this Automobile Saves Money on Long Trips As saver of transportation costs Dunn of the Ditnm Semmons company points to the automobile He points especially to the Harmon citing the cross country experience of Bleitz of Seattle Wash Sixteen miles to the gallon on a 7350 mile transcon tinental tour seemed pretty good to Mr Bleitz when he made the tour In the spring with his Marmon 34 He and his family crossed the country at a transportation rate of less than 2 cents a mile for the car and the party of four against 14 cents a mile the present railroad fare for a party of four The days of considering the motorist an extravagant fellow are past Mr Dunn observes for the man who rides the day coach on a passengeb train pays a higher rate per mile than it costs to operate a touring car with a full complement of passengers Of course there are cars that use up a lot of gasoline oil and tires but eventhese cars wasteful as they may be produce cheaper transportation than the railroads: and the motoring public is taking to the road for business trips as well as for the old fashioned tour of other days Auto Parts Repair Co 95 Liberty St Sails over the road like an aeroplane through the air Those who have tried both say the 'sensation is similar We have never ridden in an aeroplane but a ride in the Cole is a delightful experience a feeling of unlimited power in ita eagerness to respond to the utmost demands for it High speed in a Cole is quickly reached and easily and safely maintained so perfectly bal anced is the whole car The Tarbell Watters Co Inc 'X 7 160 162 CHESTNUT ST Dunbar Hoag Motor Co State St at Winchester Sq Springfield Colorful Valley of Utah SurpassesEven Yosemite Some Zealots September Is Its Great Month The opening of a new Yosemitewould be an event of considerable im portance under any circ*mstances but when a new vacation land comes to us heralded by government author ities as surpassing that beau tiful valley in the it is time for the traveling public to get out its guidebooks and prepare to march And this is precisely the description that we get of Zion canyon in south ern Utah which has just been taken into the family of national parks as the Zion national monument In the August issue of Motor the national magazine of motoring Horace Albright assistant director of the national park service describes Zion canyon as combining the magnificent natural sculpture of the Yosemite with a riot of color that rivals the hues of an autumnal sunset wonderful canyon of Zion was first covered and named by Mormon pio neers in the late writes Mr Al bright men were profoundly impressed with the beauty and sym metry of the great domes and spires of the canyon walls and by the gor geous coloring of the whole sublime Dutton who visited the canyon in 1SS2 wrote: its proportions it ic about equal to Yosemite but in the nobility and beauty of its sculptures there is no comparison It is Hyperion to a satyr No wonder the fierce Mormon zealot who named it was re minded of the great Zion on which his fervid thoughts were bent of Louses not built with hands eternal in the It was a happy chance that left the naming of the various sculptures in the canyon to the zealots of the Mormon church for none but the tremendous imagery of the Old Testament could do justice to these stupendous creations of Na ture Thus we have the east and west Temples of the Virgin the Altar of Sacrifice the Great White Throne the Guardian Angels the Gates of Zion the Pass and Court of the Patriarchs it is alp sonorously inspiring and in keeping with the primeval grandeur of this land of majestic loveliness Within the past year the state of Utah has completed ah excellent mo tor road from Salt Lake City to Zion canyon a distance of somewhat over 300 miles The government authori ties have built a good road through the canyon The Salt Lake route railway has a station at Lund motor stages carry visitors to the can yon so that transportation difficulties have now been completely removed Within the on the valley's floor there is a permanent campwhich provides comfortable accom modation for visitors Incidentally September is perhaps the finest time of all the year in Zion WAR ROADS OR PEACE CARS the war automobile tourists will be able tc drive their cars to the very summits of Alpine peaks that have hitherto been accesible only to professional alpine so says a writer in Motor in an article on the marvelous mountain roads that the Italian militsry engineers have driv en straight tborugt the heart Of the ruggedest section of the Italian Alps Continuing the writer explains just what a wonderful accomplishment the Italian militarv engineers have to their credit difficulties of this road building are almost inconceivable to the layman Picture a sheer wall of jagged rocks looming hundreds of feet skyward and you have a view of the side of many of the Alps To build a road broad enough for two or three motor trucks abreast to wind up such Dunbar Laporte Motor Co 3 Suffolk St Holyoke I Are equipped with the famous Oakland Northway valve in the head six cylinder 44 motor No other automobile can boast of a superior power plant Some may have more cylinders and some less cylinders with more valves but 1 no other will produce MORE POWER 'WITH LESS UEL the point all engineers are striving to attain these days Lots of power on a small consumption of gasoline The Oak land motor is so small that it costs but $5 to register the Car in Massachusetts Small in size but mighty in results Let us show you what a wonder it is i 1 want an Oakland after a trial so come early that not be disappointed this season Dunbar Lyon Co Greenfield Byrnes Eldridge1 Motor Co Tel 1460 26 Belmont Ave Tel 2956 Harry Smith 824 State St Tel R4389 7 MODELS All Detroit in analyzing delivery problems is valuable you Ask for booklet the Delivery Equip your car at once with a set of headlight lenses and avoid paying a fine The Highway Commission have started a crusade against dazzling head lamps' in this state and if your lamps glare you are sure of trouble Let us put a pair 'of MACBETH LENSES on your for ten days If you are not satisfied at the end of that time we will refund your money We Carry in Stock the Largest Assortment of Lenses in Western Massachusetts a Give Us a Call and Be Convinced Dunbar Cowan Co Northampton t( 1 ft! A till AB EM MS MM iAlHI Bi ct Jg gs igr 1 ft I i i I MB fi 1 I if? Zll il 9 fed! KWH IHI I IBSi I PK 'i I JWTfc I A 4 SJ7'" Er 7 A7' A 'i5' V'' HKfi I IIIIIIII 11 I RS '7 IS a 1 'jSr 7 'T iiw 1 jbT ZLWU 1 utji in in 1 1 Jl i iz jww pm nut rz JE2 rirM7iiT3TMirir TiMMi if tl in 'w iin: nc 7 i I Bi i5 7 I II 7V'5 '7 I grg MS Ea1 1 ngjg iM sM eB Ifj 'H I X4.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.