The Calgary Albertan from Calgary, Alberta, Canada (2024)

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The Calgary Albertani

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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THE ALBERT he Newspaper ol the FRIDAY APRIL 24 i342 11 Victoria Wins Fifth Western Basketball Title 'O TIME OUTI By Chet Smith BATTING LEADERS ART CHAPMAN STARS IN 46-34 CAGE VICTORY Don't you think onr left fielder is carrying this victory garden idea a little too far? laiuronca Policy for Lours INDIVIDUAL BOWLING AVERAGES WEITEBN GBOCEBS LEAGUE Final Aimm A OIL LEAGUE tint team Ftnnaolla Vnl Mas Ttam high Box 1UT team high thraa SIM Individual high ilngla 37 IndlTldual high this Bitkback 134 Individual Anngn OTT'S OUTFIT PUTS LIFE IN POLO GROUNDS Mize Is First Breath' Taking Hitter for Many Seasons NEW YORK April 33 John Robert Mize gives the Olants some thing they've lacked for yean a breath-taking hitter The highly imaginative New York press Is quite likely to build legends around the powerful poker of Pled moot College Johnny Mize paid for the Cardinals got 150000 pitcher Johnny Lohrman and Catcher Ken ODea for hie when ho bounced a tone-run heme run off toe front of the roof of toe right rield atanda of the Polo Orounde In toe Olants' opener with toe hated Dodgers It was a face-saving sock for the Home Quanta No fewer than 42853 cash clients it The attendance toe following afternoon was 13440 and more will turn out on week-days and Sundays to aee and hta sparring partner Willard Marshall Marshall also paid far toe Giants gave Atlanta $30000 for hta when toe day after Mlae came through ha trimmed toe Dodgers with a four-run rifle shot high among the right field patrons ATTACK FOR CHANGE Melvin Ott'g revitalized lineup has put life into the Polo Grounds Gone are the days of playing them close to toe vest as promulgated by Chillis Willie Terry The Jlnta have an attack for a Bill Werber Bin Jurges Mel Ott Mize Marshall Hank Letter Harry Dannlng and Mickey Wltek But Mlae to the fellow moat capable of belting the addicts out Into toe alslee The Jlnta needed a gtand-up-and-cheer awatter Ott was one In a aense but hta ixne runs were Just flies where you can hear savagely hit halls scream Aa AI Schacht the comic remarked as toe Georgian loped around the sacks on opening day eouldnt carry a ball that far" Mlae la a cousin of Mrs Babe Ruth and to somewhat remindful of the Bam He to a giant left-handed hitter atanding 8 feet 3 and aeallng 330 pounds NO SHORTENED SWING In 1940 Mlae tied Chuck Klein's National League reeord for left-handed batten with 43 home runs and broke Rogers Honwby'i standard of 42 for most homers hit In a season by a St Louis player Ho led toe league In total bases In 1938-39-40 Discussing contract 8am Brea-don told Mlae that batting average meant more to a club than a home ran total So Mlae deliberately shortened hta awing and punched the bell Into left field In an attempt to fatten hta average The result was that the home run output fen to 18 In 1941 But Mlae to swinging again And if the truant tendon In hta shoulder behaves and the club gets a little pitching Johnny Mlae la likely to knock the Jlnta quite a distance down the pennant road Veteran Player Gives a Great Display of Ona- Hand Shots PLAYjOILERS Coast Quintet Leaves Teg Friday far Dominion Final WINNIPEG April Art Chapman six-foot-thref veteran put on a spectacular one-hand throwing exhibition here tonight to score 38 points as his Victoria Dominoes won their fifth western Canada men's senior basketball championship in nine yean defeating Winnipeg SL Andrews 48-34 Dominion champions in 1833 35 and 39 the Dominoes will entrain Friday for Montreal to meet Montreal Oilers In the national final Displaying superb free shot marksmanship In the tint and third games the British Columbia champion! took the series 3-1 as they wept the perennial Manitoba titllsts aside They won the opener 43-39 and lost the aeoond by the same SCORE MOST POINTS Chapman and his forward mates Jack Mottlshaw and Naim Baker notched AH but four points aa Dominoes played soundly In their defensive gone and outmanouvred their speedy opponents on the offensive The Andies having an edge in floor play In the second and third quarters were generally Arced to shoot ftmn outside the foul line Dominoes leaped Into the lead at the start finished the first quarter ahead 9-4 and the second out In front 19-13 In a burst of speed the Manitobans fought back to move within a point Of their opposition twice hi the third quarter which ended 39-37 for Dominoes and then deadlocked the count 39-39 Before the Victoria players pulled away Reg Threlfall coach of the Andies aid his players had "nothing for a closing drive after their great rally MARKED MAN Baker was a marked man throughout and he never broke loose to score a basket but he made all six free throws MOttlsbaw finished off plays for five baskets 10 points while Chuck Chapman brother of the star and Dave McBeth making his first appearance In the series got two points apiece Harold Brook a tireless working guard showed fine accuracy for five baskets to lead the Andies with 10 points The British Columbians scored on 14 Awe throw in 31 trice against only eight points collected In IS shots msde by 8t Andrews dies McCanoe right forward of the Winnipeg quintet went out of the game at the start of the fourth quarter on personal fouls Dominoes lost Baker In the final minute for the same reason BOX SCORE The big glove warn by AI Sebaeht famous baseball comic might be Insurance for same catchers but It has nothing on toe comedian himself who la a real Insurance policy for losing chibs bringing in big gates when toe team draw crowds on its own acoount 1 Schact Seeks Losing Teams Famous Baseball Comic Begins Annual Search For Cellar-Position Clubs Adds to Great Repertoire ANNUAL GOLF MATCH B1LUED AT INGLEWOOD I Men and Women Golfers Drawn in Week-end Club Tournament Annual president vice-president match of the Inglewood doll Club and captain vs vice-captain match of the Inglewood Ladles' Club will be staged this week-end over the popular East End course It was announced Thursday by officials who released the draw for games President Toyne and vice-president A Higgins will lead the teams on Sunday In the draws below the first named is asked to arrange time of lamn SECTION Toyne vs A Higgins Shults vi A Dart Walla va CuthleU Btockdale vs Barker Elliott vs Oughton McOlaahan va 'Olenday MacKenzie va Demmlng Hergert va Wells Qua Oois vs BefUs Hayden va Watson Brown va Austin Mere Court vs Hal Harriaon Oughton va Dickleaon Mitchell va Perkins Davis va Carr Hayden va Ironside Scott va Scheir Blmle va Edmonds Auatln va A Coulter Beattie vs A Bannister Wilson vs Jack Scott Robinson vs Brennan Bailie vs Eustace -R Snyder va Mucklow Ward vs Rourke Sgt Mitchell vs Cpl Huget Hollingworth va Btapleton Reneau vs Oerliti A Coffin va Falrbum Francis va Peal Anderson vs Gerrell Lumley va Lucy Henkel va HimmlU Top ley vs Steens Dodderich vs Kelly Drinnan va Morrison Wilson va Ritchie Ark ley vs Shannon Kelly vs Moen A Bennett va A Hamelln Whitney vs Ogilvle Bird va Tribe A Bissett va Dickson Humphries va Saddington Waugh va A Bayes Nlchol vs Blow Chesaon vi Dr Dross A Adams va Peart Shuler va A Gass A Craig vs Stott Bin Johnson vs BIU Gregory Walton vs Toms McGregor va Reeves Hayden va Bateman O'Neil va Boyce Clark va 8 Holmes Spence va Weeks Simpson va Spence Ham va Ham Pratt vs 8 Rowley Langley va Amos A Leask va Carru there LADIES SECTION Mrs Larry Oughton va Ms Daisy Carla Mrs Tom Elliott vs Mlaa Shannon Mrs Stott vs Mias Haasard Mrs Walla va Mrs Jordon Mrs Kelly va Mrs Whit-lock Mlaa A Leggatt Mrs Walls Mrs Butters Mrs Holmes Mrs Bridgemsn vs Mrs Clarke Mlaa Craig Miss BurvlU Mrs Campbell vs Mias A Earl Mrs Drinnan vi Miss Finn Miss Falnnan vs Mis M-Jeffers Mrs Knight vs Miss Pair-man Mias Palrman vi Mrs Oer-rell Mrs Groberman vs Mlaa Healy Mrs A Higgins vs Mlaa Syrfiona Mlaa Irvine vs Mlaa Langley Mlaa Cralk vs Mias Ward Mias Roper vs Miss Maughn Mlaa Short va Miss Stark Miss MacPheraon vs Miss Zelgler Mias Johnson vs Mias Tucker Miss Johnston va Mrs Stephenson Miss Johnston re Miss Whitlock Mlaa Murk re Miss Morrow Mlaa Palrtelrn re Miss Wayne Mlaa Morrow re Mrs Scott Mra Hayden re Mra Wait Mrs Barker vs Miss Johnston Miss Ruth Brown re Miss Htyden Mrs Blow vs Miss Dunkley Miss Jennejoiin vs Miss A Jarvis Miss Mercer re Mrs Nlcol Mra Top ley re Mrs Reneau Miss Pepler re Mrs Stokes Study Needed for Successful Golf EVANSTON April 23-Ted Psy-seur believes study Is the most Important factor in a successful game of golf "It Isn't necessary for a student to play a remarkable game In order to enjoy golf" says the Northwestern's coach "Golf Is 10 percent natural ability 40 percent practice and 50 percent study The greatest thing about college golf Is that the student acquires proficiency In a sport which he can take with him In later life" (Three leaders In each league based on 25 or more times at bat) Player Club AB Gordon Yankees 9 Campbell Sen 10 Slaughter Cards Dickey Yankees Pemandea 10 Sanders Cards 9 HOME RUNS National League: Eliott Pirates 3 American League: Keltner In-Uini 1 BATTED IN National League: Brown Cardinals 13 American League: Poxx Red Sox 13 BASEBALL RESULTS Coast League Oakland 000 010 000- 15 4 Seattle 101 000 5 8 0 Pippen Yelovio (8) and Glenn Soriano and Collins Sacramento 000 000 3 1 Los Angeles 300 010 4 9 0 Lyons Pin tar (8) and Marshall Mallory and Todd FIRST BASE IS PROBLEM WITHYANKS New Yorkers Not Satisfied With Players At Comer BY HARRY GRAYSON NEW YORK April 39 While Ed Levy hit wen on the training trip no me associated with the Yankeee la satisfied with the first basing situation Along this line It Is reported that there Is nothing wrong with Harold Trosky1! head that Yankee Stadium air wouldn't cure Migraine headaches drove Hal Trosky to the bench last season but you hear that one reason why he went on the voluntary retired list was that he wants to get away from the Cleveland club when he ran Into ao many miniature revolution It Is said that Ttafky because of seniority resented the appointment of young Lou Boudreau aa manager of the Indians YANKS HAVE MATERIAL If It is true that TToeky no longer cares to perform in Cleveland Alva Bradley would-be foolish not to make the best possible deal for him And the Yankees and their elaborate farm system have men the Trite could use to advantage Trosky had the reputation of being the leader of rebellious Redskins and something of a club-house lawyer but Joe McCarthy and Yankee decorum would take care of that Where ho was a stick -out In Cleveland he'd be Just another tell player In New York As to his ability Trosky Is no George staler but he at least hits the long ball to which Yankee patrons wen accustomed until tra-grio Illness forced Lou Gehrig to the sidelines Buddy Haaaett who came from the Braves in the Newark Tommy Holmes transaction has been handicapped by Charley hones but there are unmistakable signs that the tenor has slowed down In fact It Is understood Ed Barrow already has asked waivers oq him HAS LONG REACH Levy 25 la passable In the field and hits for distance occasionally High Pockets stands I feet 5 ao it is difficult to throw a ball over his head or out of his reach He la a hustler Levy has been In the Yankee chain since 1938 He reported fresh from Rollins College The biggest rap against him is that he couldn't make good with the Phils in '40 which la like miming a question on one of those radio quia programs Another thing that is no recommendation Is that experienced baseball writers (ravelling with the club consider him a busher Bom Whitner Levy took that name last year upon meeting hla fatner for the first time Ed Bar-row realising the young man might be called by the Yanks suggested that he return to the Jewish moniker for the benefit of the lower east aide He did Ed Levy la no dumb bell He got 17000 for signing with the Yankees In the first place DiMaggio's Homer Sets Park Record WASHINGTON-April Veteran Washington baseball writers cannot recall when a ball ever before disappeared out of the ieft-eentrefleld bleachers at Ortlfith Stadium aa did Joe DiMaggio's home ran off Bo-Bo Newsom the other aft-moon The Yankee Clipper's clout landed 15 rows up a good 450 feet from the plate and then In one massive bounce kanga-rooed over the back-bleacher wall and out of the plant It la doubtful If ally noted home ran manufacturer ever hit the ball a greater distance SPORT WRITER DIES BOSTON April 33 An ley Strachan 41 member of the Boston Globe editorial staff for 21 years the last several as its hanalcapper at the Wonderland dog track writing under the pen name of died today DOG GUARDS SHELL NEW YORK Boots Belgian police dog mascot if the nirsmen wont let a stranger come within yards of the Columbia boathouse NAOMI NO It LODGE LEAGUE Final ATcngM Barker Fred Maynard ai kuma la nnr Mart Wtnxar ut etna Cm' iwtonL ma I Bin Campbell Doug Lockhart Bit Lockhart BIU Huntar Jim Johnatona Farcy Daredoll CUrk 'Clowea- ith Mm Dancey Mm Jr NcaL A Campbell Dan lllHII Anglin Johnatona Mlae Dancer Joyce Alloock lflaa Millar Audrey Millar Glad Lockhart Mm Bor Bentley Mm Clown lim Baundem Mlae Neal Mn Flahar Mm Lockhart Mm BUI Dancer Mm BOWLING STANDINGS WESTERN GROCER! LEAGUE Final gtaadlng Clone at it Tumerlci gg go Feppera gg gg Olngan gi 24 Splcaa gi 34 Muatarda IT sg Team high three Clone 3143 team high alnxle cions 1100 IndlTldual high three BUI Crawford 031 high Ingle Doug Campbell 300 Ladlaa high three Mm Bowerby (73 high ilngla Mm Bowarby 383 IMPLEMENT LEAGUE Final Itandlng Union Tractor Mo 1 38 14 All la Chalmare 37 is John Doom 37 IS IJIXJ 31 gi I Caaf if gg Minneapolis Molina IS g4 Union Tractor No 17 23 Maaaey Harris 11 31 Team blab three Union Tractor Mm 1 3837 high ilngla LHC 1340 Indl-Tldual high three Dlcklnaon IM high elngla Dartaa 317 Ladlaa high three Inaa CoatMlo 741 high ilngla ley England 355 NAOMI NO II LODGE LEAGUE Final Handing Wild Cata 30 12 Bear Cata 2fl Pole Cata 33 ic Allay Cata 31 21 Bob Cata 11 34 Kit Cate 17 gg Black Cata II Juat Cata is 27 Team high three Bear Cata 2821 high single Bear Cata nil IndlTldual high three Btockdale 8SS high tinkle AI Maynard SSI Ladlaa high three Mra Stokea 717 high ilngla Mm Stokaa -348 FOREST LADIEg LEAGUE Final Handing MPll gi gg Boruea 57 33 Cedam 47 43 Oaks 44 4A Hma 42 48 Fire 42 gg Aah 37 53 Plnea 20 81 High three ladlra thrae game Uh-rich MR Weir 1SS (Ml ISO Wilkinson ISO High three ladle idngle Bentley M3 Bp lane 271 MonCfc 373 TEAM HIT HARD BEDFORD April 33 Probably the hardwt hit by war casual tlei of all British rugby football teams la the Bedford club Of the backs who played In the club's last match before the war four bare been killed on active service another Is a prisoner of war In Italy and a sixth suffered such injuries In a plane crash ha never will play again Raunion in rtiq Dugouf II By HABBY GRAYSON NEW YORK April Alexander Schacht la getting ha paraphernalia together for hla annual nation-wide search for losing baseball clubs' AI Schacht would be strictly out of luck without too aeoond division and I might add toe aeoond division wouldn't do ao well without toe PagUacd of baaebalL Comic Schacht la a type of business consultant to artistic and financial diamond flops He balls out losers has ootna to be toe finest Judge of a losing club you ever aaw In fire yean Funny 1 Schacht has averaged 430000 paid admissions in toe minors at average of 45 cento a head You can figure that out for yourself "And after June 1 there isn't toe lightest chance of my seeing ahy thing but a last place club against another second division he beams "They bring me in union It's tough" Schacht gets a guarantee but prefers a percentage "Most clubs that book me on a percentage bring me back on a he says proudly IMITATIONS ADDED Schacht has added Imitations to hla repertoire He does toe farmer walk of Walter Johnson toe Bob FCller clod hop and Carl Hubbell in long pants With alight exaggerations of course He lifts hla foot In hitting a la Mel Ott and with a pillow stuffed beneath hla belt burkle plays too pigeon-toed Babe Ruth pointing to the farthest corner of Wrigley Field in the world aeries with the Cubs and then hitting toe ball against toe scoreboard But toe most mlrto-provoklng thing Schacht does la himself aa a Washington pitcher when they get action on toe bases" he points out Schacht has been clowning through baseball since he rode a horse Into the pitcher's box In Buffalo In 1913 In Washington he teamed with Nick Altrock Schacht entertained at 30 consecutive world series missing for the first time last fall when he attended Honolulu's own little world aeries He was the third base coach of toe Red Sox In 1936 when many Invitation from toe minors convinced him he could make more money aa a showman than aa a coach For toe past five summers from toe middle of May when toe demand for hla services starts until Sept 1 he has driven an average of 82000 miles appeared In every state In toe union and province In Canada He knocked Mexicans out of their seats HE'LL GET THERE Schacht has averaged 337000 a year at hla unusual profession His overhead Is about 915000 He did 110 performance in 124 day last season hopped 838 miles Terre Haute to for one of them Hn open at Miami Beach tola year and will appear at Army campa and Navy bases whenever possible Schacht was a atelier at Fort Slocum In New Rochelle In World War I He tried to enlist tola time but was turned down because be la 4b and hard of hearing In hla travels Schacht has averaged five tires a season has had 29 seta since May 3 1937 He has enough rubber for toe southern awing will do toe best he can from then planes trains buses bicycle and any way to get where he la going picked up a lot of guys on the road" he beams "Now Its their tum to pick me up" Bo Actor At Schacht goes hla merry laughing away the troubles of second division baseball clubs Junior Game at Edmonton May 25 Junior footballers of tola city should lose no time In securing their equipment and get out on toe field for a few workouts Word cornea from Edmonton that plana are underway for an lnter-clty exhibition game to be played at Clarke Stadium on May 35 Vers Carmichael director (X Junior football In western Canada will give hla okay to toe game If It does materialise toe proceeds would be turned over to some war fund Bless Me Fading As Contender in Kentucky Classic LEXINGTON Ky April 33 CoL Bradley's Bless Me virtually faded out of toe Kentucky Derby picture today by losing a 3 Vi -length decision to Mra Payne Whitney's Shut Out In toe 10000 added Blue Oraaa Stakes featured event of Keeneland's spring meeting finale The vlctoy helped solve any disappointment Mrs Whitney experienced when toe No 1 Derby contender from her reentree Stable Devil River had to be scratched from tlie Blue Oraaa because of a leg Injury he suffered Wednesday night Hla failure to atart left only three horses In toe race Hal Price Equinox never was a contender finishing 3 Vi lengths behind Bios Me Shut Out's time was 1:53 2-5 on a fast track Supporters of Shut Out a son of toe famed Equipoise were rewarded with $4 A0 In toe 92 mutuels There was no place or show betting Owner Doesn't Bet Or See Horses Run LONDON April 31 Oliver actor aon-ln-law of Prime Minister Churchill must be toe most unusual racehorse owner in toe Empire He neither wagers nor tees hla horses ran "Hones are my he says believe In betting and been unable to aee my string run because I've been In shows continuously for more than three years In London There hare been no afternoons to When he does manage to sneak a week-end at hla stable near Lam-bourn bel In toe saddle at toe crack of dawn riding In toe gallops His wife the former Sarah Churchill is not a clone follower of toe turf but Is a good rider "particularly with Jumpers" says Oliver MocMitchell Kane Will Renew Duels PHILADELPHIA April 33-Lrelle MacialtcheU world's outstanding miter and Campbell Kane one of toe greatest middle-distance runners ever developed in toe middle west renew their phenomenal duels of last year when they meet In four races in the Penn Relays April 24-35 Last year MacMltchell and Kane met In five relay races with the New York University student fin' Ishlng first in three the Indianan In two This year Kane will ran against MacMltchell In both medley races and in toe two and four-mile relays Officials Doug Whittle and Don Kerr both of Winnipeg Owen Photogenic Baseball Player NEW YORK April Mickey Owen started the season as the most photogenic baseball player Of hundreds of camera studlee at the New York Press exhibit the three baseball pictures picked by the Judges feature Owen First prize went to a photograph of Owen slamming over an Ebbeta Field box railing catching a foul from the bat of Johnny Rucker then with the Olants Views of two different angles of the Brooklyn catcher pursuing the ball on the misted third strike In the world series drew honorable mention Elliot uiaiiam A ntoJua ini neenner Vicean Era Scott Mdna Carrington Mra Sinclair Hra Tad Arana A MlchoUa Mm Mutton Mra Rydar lira Stokaa RjeboUs lito ai: Nldiolla atan Bunker lira McLean Mn Mullen Ilia Balkar Mra a Elliott Mn Faulkner Mia Holmea Miaa A Grabam lira Kobatamd Mn Cook 3 Sinclair Mlaa Cook Mia Scott Mm IMPLEMENT LEAGUE Final Arc rain Dickinson ivifTk 3 Vratta SfWto 3 Bruat 3 7 Coaart 11 Bauiar Coatano Mm 71 liana 7 Meilgna I iL Bing 3 lanr Mlaa -I Couttn 2 Clapnam 5 Millar li JJ ts 07 73 17 73 re Arriaga 3USau 30437 U733 lV3il 11114 man U7J 112 AS 181A2 11041 DMA 1WI 17918 17110 17511 17SJ 17078 17041 164J 1C1J7 IfiM 113 Ag 1134 11144 1SJJ) 11015 1W1V 180J 15138 IMS ISO 8 15138 15124 1SS83 15354 JSS31 1S37 14144 14131 itsii 145 37 14444 1444 141 1411 IMS 1J7 13 134 48 1351 1333 133 34 1374S 12343 13311 1114 11471 1134 WIlKO Hobba Murdoch Barna 3 Stuart Ron Alexander sturdy 8r Smith Mlaa Ban dal Banka Uiffcn Baundem IIII Dodd Tollaon Menem A Buckley Murdoch Mlaa Irwi Blacaatock 3 Coooer atan Flaetham Mia Study 3r Mortimer RandalL Mm iFtaltem Mm Nitan Mlea Brown 3 Ciyatal Mile Oarnott Harm Mlaa Dam peter Mlaa O'Neill Mlaa dtalbralth Mclntoah Mlaa 3" II Wrlahfc Mlaa Betty Brhopn Dot Haney Houetan A Joan Mlaa Marhrni Mm Bagel IL 87 71 SI 77 77 gg 37 1 SI ss 71 TV 34 I 74 83 31 13 4 73 78 84 73 7 anemia awtiua ae 9hiun PLEASE SAVE THE BOTTLE! Help Canada wia the War! Gians is sorely needed Save all bottles and glnsawarc and have your Salvage Committee collect Thank you! Tkla aimtlaHitral to wot WnWS fef Ike auwrta Uea raatni Me I Mm Finite si Alksvta WHERE'S THE GYM? NEW YORK Dick Murphy scored 31 points for Manhattan aa Cltv College eked out a 38-35 basketball victory Murphy wanted to attend City College but when he went to try out for the basketball team he couldn't find the Beavers gymnasium so he decided to switch to Manhattan Stare of champion Philadelphia Athletics of 1929-30-31 hold reunion as Lieut Mickey Cochrane ol Navy visits Chicago White Sox Pleased to tee their old tesmmste are Coach Mule Haas left and Manager Jimmy Dykes.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.