How to Create and Analyze a Trial Balance in Accounting (2024)

A Trial balance in accounting is a foundational tool that validates the accuracy of financial records. It compiles all ledger accounts and details their balances as either debits or credits by following the core principle that the total of debits must match the total of credits.

Preparing a trial balance helps accountants pinpoint errors and discrepancies in the accounting process. It also serves as an initial step in generating financial statements and plays an indispensable role in upholding the integrity and precision of business financial data.

However, businesses often encounter challenges while creating and analyzing trial balances. The foremost issue is data entry errors, which lead to imbalances between debits and credits. Furthermore, missing transactions or incorrect classifications affect the trial balance's accuracy. Addressing these discrepancies and reconciling accounts seems quite time-consuming. Even sometimes, complex transactions or adjusting entries pose challenges in ensuring a correct trial balance.

Therefore, this blog aims to provide a clear understanding of what is trial balance in accounting, along with a detailed guide on creating and analyzing this critical financial statement.

According to Wafeq, a trial balance serves as a foundation for preparing financial statements like the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.

What is Trial Balance in Accounting: Understanding with an Example

Trial balance is a preliminary check to identify any errors or discrepancies in the double-entry bookkeeping system. Let's understand what is trial balance in accounting and its significance with an example below.

Let's consider an interior designing company. At the beginning of the month, the initial balance of the company is $10,000. The accountants record this balance as a debit since it increases the assets.

Throughout the month, the company completes several design projects and earns $15,000 in revenue. This revenue is recorded as credit since it increases the equity.

On the other hand, Creative Designs incurs various expenses such as wages, utility, and others, amounting to $3,000 during the month. The accountants record these expenses as debits as they decrease the equity.

The company also invests an additional $2,000 into new design software, which is recorded as a debit since it increases the assets. At the end of the month, Creative Designs decides to create a trial balance to ensure the books are balanced:

Total Debits: $10,000 (initial assets) + $3,000 (expenses) + $2,000 (software) = $15,000.
Total Credits: $15,000 (revenue).
In this case, the trial balance indicates a balanced equation:
Total Debits: $15,000.
Total Credits: $15,000.

Therefore, the trial balance demonstrates that the debits ($15,000) are equal to the credits ($15,000)

What makes a good financial report?

A good financial report is clear, accurate, and comprehensive. It provides a concise overview of a company's financial performance, highlights key metrics, and offers insights for informed decision-making.

To know how to make your financial report effective, read our blog: 5 Best Practices and Tips for Creating Robust Financial Reports

7 Steps to Create a Trial Balance in Accounting

Creating a trial balance in accounting represents a pivotal step within the broader financial reporting process. This process is crucial for maintaining the integrity of financial records and ensuring accuracy in a business's financial statements. Here are the key steps to create a trial balance:

Step 1: Compilation of the General Ledger

Before creating a trial balance, businesses must meticulously gather all their general ledger accounts. The general ledger serves as the comprehensive repository of all financial transactions undertaken by a business. This repository encompasses various financial activities, including income, expenses, assets, and liabilities.

Step 2: Cataloging Your Accounts

The next significant stride involves cataloging all general ledger accounts. This catalog should encompass balance sheet accounts, which encompass assets and liabilities, and income statement accounts, which cover revenues and expenses. For clarity and consistency, businesses should list these accounts systematically, often mirroring their sequence in the financial statements.

Step 3: Determination of Debits and Credits

Each account in the catalog necessitates an astute decision regarding whether it carries a debit or credit balance. Debits are judiciously employed to record increments in assets and expenses, whereas credits are leveraged to account for liabilities, equity, and revenue augmentations. The association between these transactions and their respective debit or credit attributes is imperative to maintain the business's financial integrity.

For example:

Assets: Debit

Liabilities: Credit

Equity: Credit

Revenue: Credit

Expenses: Debit

Step 4: Recording Account Balances

Proceeding further, it is essential to record the balance of each account within the appropriate column, whether it is debit or credit. Consequently, debits are methodically transcribed within the debit column, while credits are duly noted in the credit column. This organized classification plays a pivotal role in upholding the accuracy of the trial balance.

Step 5: Calculation of Total Debits and Credits

Following the meticulous listing of balances, businesses are poised to calculate the aggregate sum of debits and credits. This arithmetic exercise involves summing up all debit balances and inscribing the grand total at the foot of the debit column. The same procedure applies to the credit column. This summation reveals the net effect of financial transactions, demonstrating whether the business's books remain balanced.

Step 6: Confirmation of Equilibrium

The bedrock principle of double-entry accounting maintains that for each debit recorded, a corresponding and equal credit must exist. This serves as the essence of ensuring the financial equilibrium of a business's books. When meticulously managed, a balanced set of books should invariably demonstrate that the sum of debits equals the sum of credits.

Step 7: Preparation of the Trial Balance

A balanced trial balance emerges once the ledger accounts are harmonized, and the sum of debits equates to the sum of credits. This balanced trial balance functions as the fundamental basis for the formulation of financial statements, including the income statement and the balance sheet. These financial statements are critical for business stakeholders and decision-makers, as they offer insights into the financial health and performance of the organization.

How to Create and Analyze a Trial Balance in Accounting (1)

Steps to Analyze A Trial Balance in Accounting

Analyzing a trial balance is another crucial aspect of the accounting and financial reporting process. It involves thoroughly examining the figures to ensure accuracy and identify any discrepancies that might indicate errors or irregularities in a company's financial records. Here are the key steps to analyze a trial balance:

Step 1: Review the Trial Balance Format

The first step in analyzing a trial balance is to become familiar with its format. A trial balance typically consists of two columns: one for the debit balances and one for the credit balances. The total debits should equal the total credits, which signifies that the accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + equity) is in balance.

Step 2: Check the Mathematical Accuracy

The initial review of the trial balance involves a mathematical check. Sum the debit and credit columns separately to ensure their totals match. If the totals do not match, there is an arithmetic error that businesses need to correct the same.

Step 3: Verify Account Balances

Next, verify the balances of each account listed in the trial balance. They also need to opt for cross-referencing the trial balance with the general ledger to confirm that the figures are correctly transcribed. Moreover, pay attention to account names and codes to ensure consistency.

Step 4: Identify and Investigate Discrepancies

If the totals match, that's a positive sign, but it doesn't guarantee the absence of errors. Now is the time to identify and investigate any discrepancies or irregularities. Look for accounts with significant balances or unexpected changes. Common discrepancies include:

  • Incorrect recording of transactions.
  • Misclassifications of accounts.
  • Omissions or duplications of entries.
  • Reversal of debit and credit entries.
  • Data entry errors.
  • Missing transactions or postings.

Step 5: Reconcile Accounts

To analyze a trial balance effectively, businesses must reconcile each account by starting with the balance sheet accounts. Also, ensure that the balances match the corresponding figures in the general ledger. For income statement accounts, like revenue and expenses, review transactions for accuracy and verify that they belong to the correct period.

Step 6: Look for Unusual Balances

Unusual or unexpected balances in certain accounts may indicate errors or irregularities. For instance, a credit balance in a revenue account could suggest a recording error. Therefore, Investigate these discrepancies to understand their origin and rectify them.

Step 7: Review Supporting Documentation

Review supporting documentation such as invoices, receipts, bank statements, and payroll records to ensure the trial balance's accuracy. This confirms that the figures reported in the trial balance correspond to actual transactions and financial events.

Step 8: Verify Account Classifications

Verify the accounts correctly, which are classified as assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, or expenses. Misclassification can distort the financial picture of a company. For instance, an expense account mistakenly classified as an asset can inflate the company's financial position.

Step 9: Conduct a Segregation of Duties Check

For larger organizations, it's important to check if the segregation of duties is maintained. Different individuals should be responsible for authorizing, recording, and reconciling transactions. If there are lapses in this segregation, it could increase the risk of fraud or errors.

Step 10: Correct Errors and Reanalyze

Identify errors or discrepancies during analysis and correct them on time. Also, adjust the trial balance to reflect the accurate figures. After correcting, reanalyze the trial balance to ensure it aligns with the financial records.

How to Create and Analyze a Trial Balance in Accounting (2)


The future of the trial balance holds significant transformations. For instance, artificial intelligence and automation are poised to reshape how businesses prepare, analyze, and utilize trial balances. These technologies will streamline the reconciliation process, reduce manual efforts, and minimize errors. Additionally, integrated financial software and cloud-based solutions will enhance real-time data access and collaboration. Still, such advancements will bring forth a set of challenges.

Over-reliance on automation and real-time data access will raise data accuracy and security issues. Ensuring that automated systems record transactions correctly and protect sensitive financial information will be a top priority. Data breaches and system vulnerabilities could compromise the integrity of trial balances. Furthermore, businesses will require accountants and financial experts who are well-versed in these new systems. However, businesses can prepare to address these challenges by banking on expert assistance.

At Invensis, we help businesses adapt to new accounting technologies and ensure that their trial balances are prepared accurately after investigating discrepancies promptly. Our experts are also well-versed in the evolving financial landscapes and the intricacies of trial balance analysis. Therefore, If you are a new business and find it challenging to understand what is trial balance in accounting, or if you're struggling with the complexities of this financial report we can help. Contact us to free your team from these difficulties and enable them to focus on driving business success with our finance and accounting services.

How to Create and Analyze a Trial Balance in Accounting (2024)


How to Create and Analyze a Trial Balance in Accounting? ›

How do we prepare a trial balance? In order to prepare a trial balance, we first need to complete or 'balance off ' the ledger accounts. Then we produce the trial balance by listing each closing balance from the ledger accounts as either a debit or a credit balance.

How do you prepare a trial balance in accounting? ›

How do we prepare a trial balance? In order to prepare a trial balance, we first need to complete or 'balance off ' the ledger accounts. Then we produce the trial balance by listing each closing balance from the ledger accounts as either a debit or a credit balance.

What is the formula for the trial balance? ›

The trial balance formula is total debits = total credits. This equation ensures that the total of the debit column matches the total of the credit column. If they do not match, it indicates that an error has been made.

What is a trial balance in accounting with an example? ›

A trial balance is a report that lists the balances of all general ledger accounts of a company at a certain point in time. The accounts reflected on a trial balance are related to all major accounting items, including assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, expenses, gains, and losses.

What is the basic rule of trial balance? ›

The rules for preparing a trial balance are as follows: All the assets must be recorded on the debit side. All the liabilities must be recorded on the credit side. All incomes or gains must be recorded on the credit side.

How to check if trial balance is correct? ›

Steps to locate Error in Trial Balance
  1. Check the totals of both the columns of trial balance.
  2. Check that the cash balance and bank balance, discount allowed (if any) and discount received (if any) have been written in the trial balance correctly.
  3. Calculate the exact difference in the trial balance.

What is a trial balance in accounting for dummies? ›

The four basic steps to developing a trial balance are as follows: Prepare a worksheet with three columns: one for account titles, one for debits, and one for credits. Fill in all the account titles and record their balances in the appropriate debit or credit columns. Total the debit and credit columns.

How do you format a trial balance? ›

In a trial balance, each general ledger account is listed with the account number, account name description, debit amount in the Debit column, and credit amount in the Credit column. At the bottom of the trial balance report document, the Debit and Credit column totals are presented.

How to audit a trial balance? ›

Here are some tips for leveraging Trial Balance reports effectively in the audit process: a. Keep Trial Balance reports updated: Regularly update your Trial Balance reports to ensure that they accurately reflect the company's financial position. This will make it easier for auditors to review your financial records.

What are the golden rules of accounting? ›

The three golden rules of accounting are (1) debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains, (2) debit the receiver, credit the giver, and (3) debit what comes in, credit what goes out.

What is bad debts in trial balance? ›

If Bad debts are given in trial balance -> It means that the debtor balance is already adjusted. Entry which is already passed Bad Debt Dr. [Expense] To Debtors [Asset] so you are not required to reduce this balance from debtors again. If provision is given in trial balance - this will be reduced from debtors balance.

What is the primary purpose of the trial balance? ›

A trial balance is done to check that the debit and credit column totals of the general ledger accounts match each other, which helps spot any accounting errors. If the totals don't match, a missing debit or credit entry, or an error in copying over from the general ledger account may be the cause.

How to prepare trial balance in accounting? ›

How to prepare a trial balance
  1. Calculate the account balances for your ledger accounts. ...
  2. Record credit and debit balances on your trial balance. ...
  3. Calculate the total in your credit column. ...
  4. Calculate the total in your debit column. ...
  5. Compare your debit and credit totals. ...
  6. Look for errors. ...
  7. Close your trial balance.

Is trial balance same as journal entry? ›

At the end of an accounting period, after all the journal entries have been made, accounting professionals create what's called a trial balance. A trial balance is a list of all the accounts of a business and their balances.

Is a trial balance a debit or credit? ›

A trial balance is a financial report of credit entries and debit entries that businesses use to internally audit their double-entry accounting systems.

How do you read and understand a trial balance? ›

How to read and analyze Trial Balance reports?
  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Report Structure. A trial balance report is organized into two columns: debits and credits. ...
  2. Review Account Balances. ...
  3. Analyze Ratios and Trends. ...
  4. Investigate Discrepancies and Errors. ...
  5. Utilize the Trial Balance for Financial Statement Preparation.

What can you tell from a trial balance? ›

A trial balance is done to check that the debit and credit column totals of the general ledger accounts match each other, which helps spot any accounting errors. If the totals don't match, a missing debit or credit entry, or an error in copying over from the general ledger account may be the cause.

How to scrutinize trial balance? ›

Trial Balance gives a list of all ledgers with balances. For the purpose of audit the trial balance is analysed. For example if the nature of an account is debit, but it holds a credit balance, then the entire ledger will be scrutinised.

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