2022届高考英语一轮复习练习-必修3-Unit-2-Language课时作业.doc (2024)


1、2022届高考英语一轮复习练习 必修3 Unit 2 Language课时作业2022届高考英语一轮复习练习 必修3 Unit 2 Language课时作业年级:姓名:八必修3Unit 2Language. 阅读理解AOPlerou Grebet is a 22-year-old graphic design student in Cte dIvoire, Africa. Everywhere he looks, he sees signs of Western influencefrom the glass skyscrapers and malls lining the streets i

2、n his home city to the way his fellows speak and dress. “We are hiving like were Western people, ” he says. That even applies to the keyboard culturewhen his friends text using the messaging apps, they especially love to use the “tears of joy” face emoji(表情符号). So he used his design skills to create

3、 digital stickers that show what he thinks is missing: symbols of history, life and culture in Cte dIvoire and neighboring countries. In 2018, he released a free pack of over 360 stickers in a mobile app called “Zouzoukwa”, which means “image” in the local Bt language. Available on Android and IOS,

4、it now has over 120, 000 downloads. Its more impressive than other emoji apps, with the feature of connecting to the realities of Africans using it. “It would make their jokes even livelier, ” says Grebet. The stickers include traditional masks, African instruments like the djembe drum and people dr

5、essed in a variety of prints and clothing that can reflect local tradition. Some of his favorite designs are a series of facial expressions commonly used in his area, but not available as standardized emojis. Theres a woman with lips pursed, giving some serious side-eyea sign you can use when your f

6、riend keeps you waiting long for no reason. Its common in Cte dIvoire and also translates across cultures, Grebet says. The next step, Grebet says, is to try and get some of his designs into the official emoji set, where theyd reach more than 2 billion people worldwide, as usable ones on smartphones

7、 everywhere. Grebet also plans to keep traveling and expanding his experiences and his sticker pack. His designs so far are drawn from his experience and research into a few African countries. 【文章大意】科特迪瓦的一个平面设计专业的学生Grebet设计了一些体现当地特色和文化的表情符号, 很受人们的欢迎。1. How does Grebet find their local culture accord

8、ing to Paragraph 1?A. Its very similar to Western culture. B. Its absent in many aspects of their life. C. Its full of inspirational ideas and symbols. D. Its influential in local peoples lifestyle. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第一段的“Everywhere he looks. . . That even applies to the keyboard culture. . . to create

9、 digital stickers that show what he thinks is missing: symbols of history, life and culture in Cte dIvoire and neighboring countries. ”可知, 西方文化影响了他们生活的方方面面, Grebet运用自己的设计技能制作了数字贴纸, 描绘出他认为缺失的东西: 科特迪瓦和邻国历史、生活和文化的象征。因此Grebet认为他们的本土文化在生活中的很多方面都缺失了。2. Whats Zouzoukwas advantage over other emoji apps?A. I

10、t provides a better source of jokes. B. Its designed based on daily items. C. Its related more closely to the locals. D. It applies to both Android and IOS. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第二段的“Its more impressive than other emoji apps, with the feature of connecting to the realities of Africans using it. . . Africa

11、n instruments like the djembe drum and people dressed in a variety of prints and clothing that can reflect local tradition. ”可知, Zouzoukwa具有比其他同类应用程序更令人印象深刻的特点贴近使用它的非洲人的现实生活, 体现当地生活和文化特色, 即它与当地人的联系更加紧密。3. Which feeling does the woman emoji mentioned in Paragraph 3 convey?A. Curiosity. B. Sorrow. C.

12、Annoyance. D. Disappointment. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第三段的“Theres a woman with lips pursed, giving some serious side-eyea sign you can use when your friend keeps you waiting long for no reason. ”可推知, 本段提到的Grebet的这个设计(撅着嘴、斜着眼的女士)传达的是恼怒的情绪。4. What will Grebet probably do next?A. Be on tour to advocate his desi

13、gns. B. Create an official emoji set. C. Research into more African countries. D. Standardize some of his emojis. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第三段的“Some of his favorite designs are a series of facial expressions commonly used in his area, but not available as standardized emojis. ”和最后一段的“The next step, Grebet say

14、s, is to try and get some of his designs into the official emoji set. . . everywhere. ”可知, Grebet喜欢的一些设计还无法作为标准表情符号使用, 他下一步会尝试把他的一些设计加入到官方表情包中, 这些设计将被全球范围内超过20亿人看到, 成为标准化的表情符号。【知识拓展】长难句分析分析:Everywhere he looks, he sees signs of 地点状语从句Western influence. . . 句子主干from the glass skyscrapers and malls li

15、ning the streets in his home city现在分词作定语, 修饰mallsto the way his fellows speak and dress. 省略that/in which的定语从句, 修饰way翻译:目光所及之处, 他看到了西方影响的痕迹从他家乡城市的玻璃摩天大楼和街边鳞次栉比的商场, 到他同辈说话和穿衣的方式。BThere are plenty of people in the UK for whom even basic English is a problem. According to the survey, 726, 000 people in

16、England and Wales said they could not speak English well, and another 138, 000 said they did not speak it at all. Ling, 40, who arrived five years ago from China, found it difficult to learn English. “When I came here, I was pregnant and so I was at home for the next three years. It took me longer t

17、o learn as I was very busy with the children. ” Eventually she was able to begin taking classes and now speaks good conversational English. But even with classes, it can be a long process to pick up the language. Age is the most important factor in language study, said Mila Vulchanova, professor of

18、linguistics (语言学) at Norwegian University of Science and Technology. “There is a sensitive period in language learning, which is biologically determined. So the younger the immigrants (移民), the better. Since this decline is only gradual, teenagers are at an advantage over adults, ” he said. There ar

19、e a number of systems for grading English. The government expects immigrants to reach “ESOL Entry 3”or “B1 level” in Scotland, before they can be given citizenship. It is equal to being able to hold a confident conversation and it might take 360 hours of study to achieve. George Osborne, the UK chan

20、cellor (财政大臣), said in June that benefit claimants (申请救济金者) who dont speak English will have their benefits cut if they fail to attend language courses. Huan Japes, deputy chief executive of English UK, a trade body for language colleges, said it needed 360 hours120 hours for each of three stagesto

21、get to the result the government expected benefit claimants to reach. “Using 120 hours (for each stage of English fluency) is a rather traditional approach to course book learning, ” said Dr Elaine Boyd, head of English language at Trinity College London. “If someone is really highly motivated, they

22、 can learn really quickly. Its common for children under the age of 11 to be fluent in about six months. ”【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了在英国, 许多移民不能说一口流利的英语这一现状, 作者借助专家们的观点告诉我们怎样学好英语, 练就一口流利的英语。5. The first paragraph serves as a(n) _. A. introductionB. discussionC. explanationD. conclusion【解析】选A。推理判断题。通读本段可知,

23、本段第一句说“在英国有很多人, 即使是基础英语都成问题”, 接着根据调查可知, 在英格兰和威尔士有很多人英语说得不好甚至根本不会说英语。因此推知, 这是为了引出下文的许多移民不会说英语的现状, 告诉我们如何学好英语, 故选A。6. What does Mila Vulchanova mainly stress?A. The importance of key teaching ways. B. The necessity of working hard at English. C. The advantages of learning English. D. The importance of

24、 starting learning English at an early age. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第三段中的“There is a sensitive period in language learning”和“So the younger the immigrants, the better. Since this decline is only gradual, teenagers are at an advantage over adults”可知, Mila Vulchanova认为对于移民来说, 学英语越早越好, 年龄小是优势。因此可推知, 他在强调早学英语的重要

25、性, 故选D。7. The UK government hopes that benefit claimants _. A. reach “ESOL Entry 1”B. are advanced English learnersC. study English for about 360 hoursD. get citizenship from the government first【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“said it needed 360 hours120 hours for each of three stagesto get to the result the

26、 government expected benefit claimants to reach”可知, 申请救济金者需要360个小时三个阶段, 120个小时一阶段才能达到政府预期申请救济金者能达到的效果, 分析选项可知C项符合题意。8. What Dr Elaine Boyd said suggested that _. A. 120 hours is a high level for learnersB. one can learn English fast if activeC. English fluency can be easily achievedD. children under

27、 11 learn English hard【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句中的“Using 120 hours (for each stage of English fluency) is a rather traditional approach to course book learning”可知, 120小时是惯例, 一般人能达到;再根据最后一段最后两句可知, 如果某人积极性很高, 他们能学得快。对11岁以下的孩子来说6个月内就能学会流利的英语, 故选B。【知识拓展】佳词积累1. pregnant adj. 怀孕的2. conversational adj. 谈话的, 会话

28、的 3. sensitive adj. 敏感的4. executiveadj. 经营管理的, 有执行权的. 阅读填句(2021德州模拟)We know that a smart phone app can bring us a lot of benefits when we learn another language. _1_ Many of us have to endure hours of school lessons with our heads buried in textbooks. Its no wonder then that technology appears to be

29、 providing a better way of learning. Having a smart phone means you can have a virtual teacher with you wherever you go, and there is certainly a huge demand for language learning apps. Many app developers are keen to cash in on the demand, hoping to share a piece of the app market. _2_One of many p

30、opular apps, Duolingo, offers 91 courses in 30 languages and has more than 300 million users. _3_They offer languages not popular enough to be taught at evening classes, or at most universities. And others offer invented language courses in Esperanto, Elvish and Star Treks Klingonlessons you might n

31、ot find in a traditional classroom. Whatever you want to learn, apps allow you to go at your own pace and fit learning around other commitments. But theyre not perfectyou might not get your head round the grammar. Lacking the peer support you could get in a classroom environment is a challenge, too.

32、 So, does technology spell the end of traditional classrooms and teachers? Guy Baron, head of modern languages at Aberystwyth University, thinks not. He told the BBC that the apps are very conversational. . . theyre not designed for degrees, but they could be additional resources. _4_Certainly techn

33、ology is going to help in and outside the classroom. But motivation can be a problem when using an app. _5_Of course, if you have a genuine reason to learn another language, you will no doubt stick with it. A. There are numerous learning apps available. B. Some educational apps are targeted at speci

34、fic small groups. C. A coming message may easily get distracted from your online lessons. D. The content may be not what you really want and it is quite a waste of time. E. Apps should be used alongside classroom methods, not separated from traditional teaching. F. It opens doors, makes you more emp

35、loyable, helps you make new friends, and its fun too. G. Attending a real lesson, facing a real teacher, probably helps you to be more devoted. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。我们知道, 当我们学习另一种语言时, 智能手机应用程序可以给我们带来很多好处。文章就此说明了使用智能手机应用程序学习的一些优势和与传统课堂授课相比可能存在的一些问题。1. 【解析】选F。根据上文We know that a smart phone app can bring us a

36、 lot of benefits when we learn another language. 可知我们知道, 当我们学习另一种语言时, 智能手机应用程序可以给我们带来很多好处。由此可知, 本句承接上文继续说明智能手机应用程序的一些优点。故F选项“它打开了一扇门, 让你更有就业机会, 帮助你结交新朋友, 而且它也很有趣”符合上下文语境, 故选F。2. 【解析】选A。根据后文One of many popular apps, Duolingo, offers 91 courses in 30 languages and has more than 300 million users. 可知许多

37、流行的应用程序之一, Duolingo, 提供了30种语言的91门课程, 拥有超过3亿的用户。由此可知, 本句启示下文, 说明有很多学习应用程序可供使用。故A选项“有很多学习应用程序可供使用”符合上下文语境, 故选A。3. 【解析】选B。根据后文They offer languages not popular enough to be taught at evening classes, or at most universities. And others offer invented language courses in Esperanto, Elvish and Star Treks

38、Klingonlessons you might not find in a traditional classroom. 可知他们提供的语言并不流行, 不适合在夜校或大多数大学教授。还有一些学校提供世界语、精灵语和星际迷航中克林贡语的“发明”语言课程, 这些课程你可能在传统课堂上找不到。由此可知, 有一些教育程序针对的是小群体用户, 他们提供的语言并不流行。故B选项“一些教育应用程序是针对特定的小群体的”符合上下文语境, 故选B。4. 【解析】选E。根据上文He told the BBC that the apps are very conversational. . . theyre no

39、t designed for degrees, but they could be additional resources. 可知他告诉BBC, 这些应用程序非常口语化它们不是为学位而设计的, 但它们可以是额外的资源。由此可知, 本句承接上文的观点说明, 这些应用程序并不属于主流的学习方法, 因为它非常口语化, 也不是为学位而设计的, 所以要和课堂教学方法一起使用, 而不是与传统教学分离。故E选项“应用程序应该与课堂教学方法一起使用, 而不是与传统教学分离”符合上下文语境, 故选E。5. 【解析】选G。根据上文Certainly technology is going to help in

40、and outside the classroom. But motivation can be a problem when using an app. 可知当然, 技术在课堂内外都会有所帮助。但在使用应用程序时, 动机可能是个问题。由此可知, 使用应用程序学习时, 可能会存在分心或者只是想玩手机这种动机不纯的问题, 所以本句承接上文说明, 参加一个真正的课程, 面对一个真正的老师, 可能会帮助你更投入到学习中。故G选项“参加一个真正的课程, 面对一个真正的老师, 可能会帮助你更投入”符合上下文语境, 故选G。. 语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(20

41、21济宁模拟)Du Fu: Chinas Greatest Poet, a BBC one-hour documentary, 1. _(launch) on April 6 this year. It was the first time to put Dus life in a global context. For the Chinese, Du, 2. _style of poetry is called realism, is more than a poet;he has been the guardian of the moral of the nation. 3. _(bear

42、) in 712, Du lived through the violent fall of the Tang Dynasty when wars, floods and famines almost ruined the country. In his poems, he poured out his concern for his country and people as well as the importance of celebrating the few simple 4. _(joy) of life. To explore his life and discover what

43、 the poet means to China and the Chinese people, the film crew had an 5. _(extreme) tough time tracking the footsteps of the eighth-century poet. This documentary is not 6. _easy watch. To help audiences make sense of the poets great achievements in literature, Du is compared 7. _Chinas Shakespeare

44、in this documentary. Also, the program invited McKellen, who played Gandalf in The Lard of the Rings movies, 8. _(read) 15 of Dus poems that had been translated into English. These can help foreigners 9. _(well) understand what makes Du s works so special. In a way, the documentary is displaying the

45、 charm of traditional Chinese literature to the world, 10. _(fuel) a desire to learn Chinese Tang poems. 【文章大意】本文为一篇说明文, 主要讲述了BBC关于杜甫的一小时纪录片。1. 【解析】was launched。考查动词的时态和语态。首先这句话里面没有谓语, 所以这里的动词launch是作句子谓语。其次纪录片和发布之间的关系为被动关系, 因此需要用被动语态。通过整篇文章可知纪录片已经发布了, 所以还需要使用过去式。又主语纪录片是用的单数。故填was launched。2. 【解析】wh

46、ose。考查定语从句。先行词是杜甫, 而诗歌风格又跟杜甫构成所属关系。故填whose。3. 【解析】Born。考查非谓语动词。这句话已经有了lived作谓语, 所以这里的bear要以非谓语形式出现。而出生于又是短语be born in。置于句首, 首字母大写, 故填Born。4. 【解析】joys。考查名词的数。few是用来修饰可数名词的复数。故填joys。5. 【解析】extremely。考查副词。句子想要表达的意思是拍摄非常困难, 要来修饰tough这个形容词, 所以前面需要用副词修饰。故填extremely。6. 【解析】an。考查冠词。watch作为可数名词, 文中以单数形式出现, 也

47、就是说前面需要有冠词。但这里并不是特指哪一次观看, 所以需要用不定冠词。后面修饰的形容词easy又是以元音音素开头。故填an。7. 【解析】to。考查介词。用be compared to这一搭配来表示被比作。故填to。8. 【解析】to read。考查非谓语动词。邀请某人做某事用invite sb. to do sth. 这一结构。故填to read。9. 【解析】better。考查副词比较级。通过这个纪录片的介绍, 观众们要比没有观看这部纪录片时更能理解杜甫诗歌的特别之处。所以这里有一个比较的含义。故填better。10. 【解析】fueling。考查非谓语动词。这句话中已经有了谓语动词is displaying, 所以fuel点燃这一动词就要以非谓语的形式出现。而fuel和它的逻辑主语“纪录片”又是主动关系。故填fueling。. 阅读理解Too often a learner of English who has read one or two classics tries to imitate(模仿) their style. The fact, however, is that style cannot be imitated. Different authors have different styles. They do not try to write the

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2022届高考英语一轮复习练习-必修3-Unit-2-Language课时作业.doc (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.